Simple Snack, steam the raw ingredients then a simple 3 minute stir fry with a teaspoon of coconut oil and top off with fresh red chilli and vietnamese herbs of your preference.
One of my favourites is listed here, simply steam some cauliflower and leeks for 15 mins. then serve add a little salt, pepper and for me i add a drizzle of sesame oil with sesame seeds.
A truly hearty breakfast leaving you full but not weighed down like bread, rice or pasta. Cauliflower understand its benefits and reap the rewards. Hearten up your vegies with the occasional splash of rice. Here we've added premium basmati to fill and warm your tummy on a cold lunchtime break.
Late night snacks. I don't do it often but occasionally we all get the late night munchies. This is one of my favourites that kills the hunger crave and lets me sleep snug and sound.
Rice paper sheets filled with vegetable goodness. I mix it up from leeks, cabbage, onion, capsicum, carrots, and even broccoli, make the taste your own. Seal the dumpling with a fork groove and maybe a little xanthan gum. then steam for 10 ten minutes. Drizzle some sesame seed oil, sesame and poppy seeds for extra nutrition and serve atop some minted steamed peas. ps. I always add fresh chilli for the extra zing - go with your own preference with chilli or without. tops 25 mins. or you can pre-make and freeze for those times when u get the late night cravings or need a fill or food after too many drinks. A favourite meal. Sauted mushrooms seasoned in a lightly oiled pan (rice bran oil), sprinkled with sesame seeds, salt and pepper. Place freshly sliced ripe and peeled avocado slices in a bowl, line with fresh lettuce leaves, then serve the warm sauted mushrooms and the cold freshly sliced tomato over the top. Full of energy and nutrients an awesome meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Packs a punch and satiates those hunger cravings.
Mixing rice with rice noodles provides a distinctive richness in texture to this dish. To that we add the sweetness or fresh pineapple against hot red chilli. But we don't leave it there the addition of enoki Mushrooms and crisp fresh betal leaves gives this dish a real complexity merged with simplicity in cooking - sweetness, texture and spicy.
It took me all of ten(10) mins to dish this one up.. delish dish as spring folds into summer.
Home Grown Ingredients
May 2023